Sunday, July 3, 2011

Get the LOOK for Less!

Ok, this post has nothing to do arts & crafts. But I found this amazing site and I thought I'd share it with you.

The site is and they sell clothes, shoes, bags, and accessories. Their items are all up to date in terms of style. And they are in super low prices. I plan to buy a pair of shoes from them (perhaps in a couple of days...just waiting for my paycheck. hihi!).

Fish Mouth Leather Boots [item#: U10081610] ONLY $10.27

They are also having a video contest right now. You may submit a video about their product/s, if you have already purchased from them. If not, you can make a video about their website.

Here is one entry. Please view and feel free to comment and share it! :)

Get the LOOK for Less!

The contest runs from June 18- Aug. 18th 2011. And the best video will awarded $1500.00.
If you're interested in joining, please visit the site for the contest rules and details.